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Management of parallel imports and its impact on prices. International experience


Parallel import management is aimed at a set of specific actions that trigger the process. The legalization of this direction in Russia has given entrepreneurs more action in this area. The import of imported goods into the country is aimed at providing the domestic market with goods in demand, which allowed prices to stabilize. However, there are also problems in managing this area, since parallel imports are aimed at developing competition, thereby stimulating a reduction in prices. On the other hand, copyright holders lose full control over imported goods, which means that the risk of counterfeiting increases. In some areas, such as medicines and medical equipment, it is especially important to avoid such risks. At the same time, most of the major eco-economies of developed countries allow parallel imports, limiting it only selectively. The article analyzes the world experience, which can help demonstrate how the impact of parallel imports affects the development of the country and what difficulties may arise.


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