Ultrasonic and microwave exposure for freezing apples

The use of ultrasonic and microwave exposure are potential means of improving the quality of frozen products in addition to cold. The object of the study is Russian seasonal apples, frozen with additional ultrasonic or microwave exposure. The effect of microwave and ultrasonic exposure of a certain frequency, power, and duration on plant materials during freezing has been studied. An analysis of the temperature curves showed that the temperature of crystal formation in all variants was –5 °C. However, with ultrasonic treatment the difference between the crystal formation temperature and the initial freezing temperature was more pronounced. The crystal formation temperature of the microwaved sample is significantly lower (–5 °C for the control and –9 °C for the treated sample). It was noted that sonication reduced moisture loss by approximately 5%. The microstructure of samples frozen using ultrasonic treatment was denser and more compact compared to control samples, which, in turn, is a consequence of the formation of smaller ice crystals and their more uniform distribution. The use of microwave radiation in freezing requires further research. The use of ultrasound allows to preserve the microstructure, reduce the loss of moisture and changes in the quality of apples as a result of freezing.
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