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Strategic formation of developing industries of the Russian Federation, taking into account the digital transformation that defines a new model of economic development


The aspects of the development of strategic developing industries of the Russian Federation, taking into account digital transformation, are considered. It is determined that the new round of the scientific and technological revolution has opened up great opportunities for industrial transformation and has become a new driving force for the development of the national economy. In the process of promoting the qualitative development of strategic developing industries, the digital economy plays an important role. The aim of the work is to analyze strategic developing industries in the context of increased uncertainty in the external environment, as well as serious competition for the homogenization of industry between regions. The object of the study was a new model of economic development of the Russian Federation proposed by President V.V. Putin, which was studied using the method of economic experiment. Innovation-driven data elements play a catalytic role, contribute to the transformation of the old and new models of economic development, innovation and development of the entire chain of procurement, production, sales and circulation, as well as generate the economy of new industries, new formats and new business models, integrate and release the values of traditional factors of production. With the development of data analysis and digital inclusive finance capabilities, it is possible to solve the problems of information asymmetry in the traditional financing process and the complex lending process, as well as solve the problems of enterprises in strategic developing industries, especially small, medium and microenterprises. Through the monitoring and analysis of corporate data, it is possible to increase the success rate of corporate innovations, which contributes to solving the problem of key technologies in the industrial chain, allowing in turn to increase the stability and security of the entire industrial chain and supply chain of strategic developing industries. A specific way to implement digital transformation to stimulate high-quality development of strategic emerging industries is to accelerate the creation of characteristic clusters and promote high-quality joint development between regions. It is necessary to take full advantage of the advantages of large world countries and large markets in order to overcome the threshold value of economies of scale and form differentiated and profitable industrial clusters.


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