For example,Бобцов

Scientific substantiation and development of a confectionery product recipe using a non-traditional secondary raw source


The development of recipes for confectionery products from domestic raw materials that meet modern safety requirements, which are sources of essential components, meets the objectives of food security of the Russian Federation in the context of sanctions policy and import substitution. The relevance of the work is based on the justification of including in the composition of the macaron recipe edible meadow cake (Cyperus esculentus L.), wheat flour, and their mixtures in order to replace almond flour to reduce the cost of the finished product and the use of domestic non-traditional secondary raw material source. The article presents the results of studies of the physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the cake obtained after pressing the oil of tubers of cyperus edible meadow (Cyperus esculentus L.). The high fat content (17.2±0.7%), light cream color, and nutty taste allow it to be considered as an alternative to almond flour in the production of confectionery. It was found that partial replacement of almond flour with a mixture of wheat and tiger nut cake allows to improve the structural and rheological characteristics of the dough, its shape stability, with the percentage of baking loss decreasing. In the samples with the addition of sweet meadow cake, the values of the shape stability index were higher and amounted to 0.32±0.02%, the lower value of this indicator was in the sample with almond flour (0.24±0.01%). Studies have shown that with the addition of cake to the dough formulation, the percentage of baling loss decreases (8.23±0.38%), which accordingly determines a greater yield of products. The introduction of tiger nut cake into the macaron recipe allows to produce predictably confectionery products of high organoleptic and textural characteristics, nutritional and biological value as well as lower cost.


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