For example,Бобцов

Technological implementers of resource-saving when processing fruit and vegetables


Ppocess izmelicheniya plodov and ovoschey, as a rule, under poluchenii soka with pulp for instance, in pomoschiyu squeezers, grinders or  with  medlenno vraschayuschimisya nozhami and nepodvizhnymi reshetkami under nepreryvnoy podachey sypiya. Intensifikaciya processes of division of the products of the conversion will asunder allow sharply  duration and raise the uniformity of the processing cheese that will say on quality ready drink as a whole. The Interaction of the blade and material is characterized effort of the cutting moreover the general power, acting on blade on the part of material, is not found in planes of the cutting in consequence of which on blade of the knife, alongside with vertical, acts and horizontal forming power. Horizontal form to deform (change) sidebar cutting edge of the knife in consequence of which in general event provision to necessary acerbity in flat material requires increase of his(its) thickness and using the additional relationships (the jumper).

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