For example,Бобцов

The thermal conductivity measurements at very low density of–Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134а)


Potentially acceptable substitutes are known for most important chlorofluorocarbons. The replacements molecules all have significantly reduced greenhouse  and ozone depletion potentials compared to their fully halogenated counterparts. Measurements of the thermal conductivity for 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) which is currently considered as a prospective substitute for conventional refrigerant  CFC-12 have been performed. A version of a coaxial cylinder apparatus for measurements of the thermal conductivity of rarified gasphase is described. We present new data for gas phase of HFC-134a in temperature range 294,12–366,96 K The thermal conductivity obtained for gas  phase at p ≈ 0,1 MPa was compared to data by other authors with satisfactory agreement. The data are represented analytically in the order to demonstrate experimental precision. The general qualitative features of the data are discussed and comparisons  are made with predictions obtained from models developed by Euken, Maison, Monchik, Filippov, Golubev, and Rastorguev.


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