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Information as non-material factor of economic growth


Nowadays information is powerful, fast-acting, emerging and fast-moving factor of economic growth which can improve all economic spheres, provide as constructive so destructive effect on the human being and his behavior.  The on-time information possession can make the country more competitive, therefore there is a necessity of information infrastructure formation to enlighten innovation processes implementation, to improve a quality of economic growth and to allow the national economy to be more sophisticated. In the article there is The article examines the historical development of information as non-material factor of economic growth which possesses as economic so social aspects. It is worth mentioning that information existed at all stages of society development but it becomes more vital economic resource only at the post industrial stage.  It is concerned the information influence on  individual behavior, on new information society starting up, on new class cognitariat appearance, on general science, technique, economy development. It is also raised the question about informational-communicational technologies which provide economy with synergetic effect. Because of some contradiction hidden in the information one can wear as demiurgic so destructible effect on the human being and his behavior. That is why amongst the considering problems the most urgent can be derived, notably the implementation  of economic growth humanizing.


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