Prediction of next event in the thin flow of events
The article analyzes the problem of researching thin flow of casual events in the course of general distributions of time gap values between them. On the basis of the final number of occurred events of casual flow there is possibility to predict occurrence of the recurrent, next event which is expected in the following current of time.
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- Бионический метод построения бортовой аппаратуры анализа оптоэлектронных или радиолокационных изображений
- Analysis and optimization of signals from optical rangefinders
- Evaluation of wireless access system capacity when clearing hybrid automatic repeat request
- Prediction of next event in the thin flow of events
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- On criterion of electromagnetic compatibility in local groups of electronic means
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- Process automation of formation technical documentation kit on base of the ontological approach
- Statement of problem key sharing for group legal users on public noisy channels