For example,Бобцов

Activation of oxidizing processes and increasing potato yield, ecological safety and shelf life


Potato the tubers of which acquired high constitutional defense mechanisms during growth (e.g. increasing the strength of cell walls and the Young's modulus of plant tissues in compression) is shown to be the most suitable for long-term storage in cooled condition. Changes in the energy of tubers tissue cells should ensure economical use of nutrients accumulated during the growth and minimum oxygen consumption by respiration during storage. These results at molecular and cellular level can be achieved by pre-sowing treatment of seed potato by amino acid preparation obtained by acidic hydrolysis of collagen. Given that collagen contains glycine amino acid in the highest quantity glycine is the main active component of collagen hydrolysate. Treatment by pure glycine is more effective than collagen preparation treatment. Along with the increasing protection of plants and tubers by constitutional mechanisms a yield increase takes place by 30% on average. Increased yield, accumulation of nutrients and the various energetic processes during vegetation period occurs due to more powerful photosynthetic apparatus in leaves of plants being subjected to glycine treatment. In light harvesting complexes of the photosynthetic apparatus in potato leaves the content of chlorophyll and carotenoids increases. Carotenoids serve not only as an additional light harvesting pigment, but also protect plants from photodamage and oxidative stress.


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