Heat load calculation for the modules of combined type freezing units

The article deals with methodology and calculation of heat load for modules of combined type fast-freezing units. Combined method of refrigeration is provided in fast-freezing unit consisted of a system of modules each of which can provide the specified conditions of the heatsink for quick freezing process of biological objects. Set thermal load on the first module of the unit with the capacity of 100, 250, 500 и 800 kg/h is shown. Liquid nitrogen consumption for refrigeration from 18 оС to –3 оС is calculatedfor the first temperature level of refrigeration unit. Thermal load on the second module (with intense convection) is calculated taking into account refrigeration capacity of inlet gaseous nitrogen at the air temperature of–40, –30, –20 оС (the second and the third temperature level). Inrefrigeration industry the units of a larger capacity are recommended to use for combined method of refrigeration due to their cost-effectiveness.
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