For example,Бобцов

Creation of an optimal system of «lean production» in the activities of the resource supplying organization Sue «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»


The article presents the main provisions regarding the possibility of using «lean manufacturing» systems in the activities of resource-supplying enterprises. In particular, the authors proposed the use of the concepts of «5S» and «Kaidzen», which are aimed at increasing the productivity of the enterprise due to the regularity in the workplace and the most complete use of the resources of the enterprise. The system of «lean manufacturing» will allow the company to constantly improve itself and change the attitude of staff to the resource base of the company. The implementation of these principles will improve the financial performance of the company, so the methods «5S» and «Kaidzen» will reduce the costs of branches «drainage» and «Transport and logistics» by an average of 8%.


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