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The international Academy of refrigeration – a quarter of a century!


In April 2018, the International Academy of Refrigeration celebrates its 25th anniversary. Over the past quarter-century, the international community of scientists and specialists (members of the Academy) has contributed to solving complex problems of development of refrigeration and cryogenic engineering, air conditioning systems, low-temperature energy, as well as technologies for processing agricultural raw materials and food storage. In addition, the agenda included the presentation of legitimate interests, the protection of social, civil, copyright and related rights of the Academy members, the promotion of international cooperation in the field of science, technology and education. Despite the difficult time, the interest of the scientific community and business representatives in the activities of the International Academy of Refrigeration is not weakening. The venerable scientists are joined by a young generation that brings new energy to the work begun a quarter of a century ago. The IAC Presidium cordially congratulates all the members of the Academy on the 25th anniversary and wishes them further success, health and well-being.


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