For example,Бобцов

Training for knowledge-based digital economy on the basis of innovative integrated structures


The problem of integration of science, education and industry is relevant for the Russian economy. Currently, the development of Russian science has a number of issues, one of which is related to training. This situation is primarily associated with a decrease in the number of organizations engaged in research and development in the industry and University sectors of science, as well as the low number of highly qualified (doctors, candidates of Sciences) in them. The reason is the lack of a motivational component in research activities, as well as the fact that University-trained personnel do not meet the needs of the labor market, namely, do not have the necessary set of competencies to meet the requirements of the employer, represented to a greater extent by the real sector of the economy. Analysis of the financial support of the training process showed that unlike most developed countries in Russia there is no interest of the business sector to invest in science, as a result of which almost two-thirds of funding is provided by the budget. As an effective tool, it is proposed to create innovative forms on the basis of universities, which will solve two problems: first, the task of training highly qualified personnel in demand in the modern economy, and secondly, the inclusion of the business sector in the financing of research in order to obtain developments and technologies relevant to industrial enterprises. The universal structural-functional scheme of interaction of innovative integrated scientific-educational structures with scientific organizations and innovative enterprises, in which is embodied a multi-level system of continuous training «from student to scientist».


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