For example,Бобцов

Problems of labor protection and industrial safety of ferrous metallurgy enterprises


Ferrous metallurgy has always been and remains an important part of the industry of developed industrial countries, since it is not only the basis of all metallurgy, but also the foundation for the development of other industries. The production of ferrous metals is associated with a large number of complex technological processes, accompanied by various types of hazards both for the life and health of metallurgical workers, and for industrial safety in general. The study is aimed at solving problems in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, the object of the study is large Russian metallurgical holdings. The article analyzes such factors as accident rate, injuries, mortality and staff turnover, considers the main causes of accidents. By a comparative analysis of measures to ensure the principles of occupational health and safety implemented at metallurgical enterprises, shortcomings in ensuring the safety of personnel were identified. To reduce risks in this area, it is proposed to focus not only on creating a safe environment, but also on enhancing the personal responsibility and consciousness of each employee. As measures aimed at solving the problem, it was proposed: to increase the motivation of the personnel of industrial enterprises to comply with the principles of health and safety; introduce a personnel positioning system in a production facility; increase the innovative activity of iron and steel enterprises


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