For example,Бобцов

Technological scheme for solid carbon dioxide production


The article concerns a technique for reprocessing and utilizing carbon dioxide which can be applied in food, refrigerating and other industries. The technique guarantees high level of reprocessing and utilizing carbon dioxide and its subsequent use. The demand for the technique in the field liquid carbon dioxide reprocessing and solid carbon dioxide production of us analyzed. The peculiarities of the technique are the principle of hardening and the possibility to produce solid carbon dioxide with the full use of raw materials in an environmental safe way. The plant for solid carbon dioxide production has been developed, its technological scheme and principle of operation being presented. The competitive advantages over exiting analogues are shown. At comparatively small sizes carbon dioxide recycling by its liquefaction is provided.Both balloons with liquid carbon dioxide and connecting the plant to a liquid carbon dioxide pipeline from liquefaction circuits at the enterprises can be used for carbon supply.


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