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Improvement of freezing processes for meat semi-finished products


The combined method of freezing for meat semi-finished products in the vacuumized packing is offered that will allow to reduce pollution of product microorganisms and will increase a period of storage of zrazy (meatballs stuffed with vegetables). Thermophysical characteristics of zrazy components – ground beef and a vegetable stuffing called "A winter garnish" – are defined. When determining average values of thermophysical properties, jumps on freezing curves of the vegetable stuffing are taken into account. Jumps on freezing curves indicates emission of the hidden crystallization warmth at eutectic freezing temperatures of sugars which are abundant in vegetables. Taking into account the thermophysical properties a graphic-analytical analysis of freezing process is carried out. The estimated duration of low-temperature processing was 84 min. At the same time errors in estimating duration time in comparison with experimental data does not exceed 8%. The lower layer of minced meat and the center of the vegetable stuffing freeze owing to return of heat to the metal cooled plate, the most part of the top layer of minced meat freezes due to return of heat to a stream of the cold air blowing off the plate and product. The production and freezing technology for zrazy is described. Their properties are as follows: process of freezing is carried out after packing and pumping out a package of the product, and freezing undergoes in two stages: preliminary freezing on a grid substrate and final freezing on a cooled plate. The offered technology as well as graphic-analytical calculation method of freezing duration for combined meat semi-finished products can be used in meat industry.


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