For example,Бобцов

Ways to reduce the mass fraction of fat in puff products


Methods of reducing the total amount of fat in flaky yeast-free products without deterioration of consumer properties of the finished product are considered. The problem of reducing the mass fraction of fat in puff products is relevant, because they are characterized by an unbalanced ratio of basic nutrients (multiple excess fat content relative to other nutrients). To solve this problem, it is proposed to adjust the recipe with a decrease in the bookmark of margarine for lamination and the use of margarine with reduced fat content.  The objects of research were Margarines for lamination produced by LLC "NPO Margaron", developed without the use of animal fats, as well as yeast-free puff products in the form of tongues without finishing. Margarine for lamination was analyzed by the parameters of solid triglycerides by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance, the mass fraction of moisture and the mass fraction of fat. The influence of methods of forming test blanks on the rise of products during baking has been studied. The influence of margarine for lamination with different fat content and their dosage on the quality of finished products was studied. The finished products were determined by the mass fraction of moisture, the average volume, the average multiplicity of lifting products and organoleptic parameters: taste, smell, chewability, the structure of layering. It was found that the preferred way to reduce the total caloric content of products is to use low-fat margarine without reducing the total recipe bookmarks margarine in the dough. This method has the least effect on the consumer properties of the finished product: it does not reduce the rise of the workpiece and change the internal layered structure of the workpiece.


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