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The substantiation of the application of organomineral fertilizers and protein growth stimulant from the deep processing products of the meat industry raw materials in the soft wheat cultivation


In the article presents the results of research on the prospects of using stimulating treatments of plants with innovative biological preparations in order to increase the productivity of plants and their adaptive potential. The variety of Leningradskaya 6 soft wheat variety (к-64900) was the object of research in the field in 2017 and 2018. We studied the effect of Florgumat, Edagum, Fitop-flora-S, Zerebra agro organomineral preparations and a protein growth stimulator obtained using the technology of deep processing of slaughtered animals using the hydrolysis of by-products in low-mineralized media on wheat productivity and its resistance to diseases. Wheat productivity was studied in the earing -flowering and maturation phase by 20 indicators that characterize the morphological characteristics of plants and the structure of the crop. The potential (biological) yield of a single wheat plant was determined according to data on the productive bushiness and ear grain weight for a single plant (g/plant). Wheat diseases were characterized by 16 indicators of pathogenesis formed during the development of root rot, brown rust, powdery mildew, and Septoria disease. As a result of studies we have noted high biological efficacy of Serebra agro and Floranet in relation to the complex of leaf diseases of wheat, the Floranet preparation – in relation to root rot of wheat. The Edagum preparation showed the greatest effectiveness against septoriosis, manifested in a significant decrease in disease development. There were no symptoms of brownwheat rust and root rot in the experimental variants where the plants were treated with a protein growth stimulant. Protein growth stimulator had the greatest influence on the growth and yield potential of wheatthat may be related to its effect on the increase in the number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, weight of grains in an ear, weight of 1000 grains, and length of the ear. The use of a protein stimulator led to an acceleration of plant development (in ontogeny phases), an increase in plant height, productive bushiness, and the area of the flag and pre-flag leaf.


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