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Numerical investigation of heat transfer and aerodynamics of single drop-shaped tubes


Flow and heat transfer from a single drop-shaped and circular tubes in crossflow is studied numerically for the Reynolds numbers varying from 1.5·103 to 26.5·103. These tubes have axis ratios of L/D = 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4, when L/D = 1 , the tube is circular. The distribution of local coefficients of heat transfer α, pressure Cp , and friction Cf  over a half of the tube surface is presented. The maximum value of Cf  gradually increases with the increase of L/D. Simulated results agree well with those available in the literature. Correlations of the average Nusselt number and a friction factor in terms of the Reynolds numbers and axis ratios for the studied tubes were proposed. Drop-shaped tubes have a lower pumping power to provide the same heat transfer compared to a circular one under the same operating conditions. The thermo-hydrodynamic characteristics of the drop-shaped tube with L/D = 4 are better as compared to other studied tubes.


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