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Structural and technological diagram of a nitrogen cooling system of liquefied methane for refueling a medium-class launch vehicle


Based on the analysis of the preliminary modeling results for the cooling process of liquefied methane in straight-flow and counter-flow tubular heat exchangers, a rational variant of cooling liquefied methane for refueling a medium-class carrier rocket, implemented by a straight-flow heat exchanger, was selected from several options. For a more complete assessment of the processes occurring in the heat exchanger during nitrogen cooling of liquefied methane for the selected rational option, an in-depth simulation of the cooling process of liquefied methane was performed. A comparative analysis of the reliability of competing options for fundamental structural diagram of the nitrogen cooling of the liquefied methane, as a result of which the scheme comprising a nitrogen liquefier with centrifugal compressor and turboexpander of low pressure with booster compressor unit, storage and backup tanks with liquid nitrogen, and a ramjet heat exchanger - cooler of liquid methane was chosen as the base option, was carried out. The results of this work can be used in the design of nitrogen cooling systems of liquefied methane for refueling medium-class launch vehicles.


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