For example,Бобцов

Analysis of temperature field for starch or pectin-containing raw materials under controlled thermal effect


Shelf life and quality of raw materials depend on the most favorable conditions for long-term storage. The rational storage time, that is, the longest period at which the loss of quality and nutritional value of the raw material does not exceed the allowable limit, depends on the temperature and humidity conditions. The temperature should be kept as constant as possible throughout the entire storage period, since its fluctuations even within 5 °C can seriously affect the safety of products. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the outdoor air temperature fluctuates during the day by approximately 5 to 15 °C, reaching 30 °C in some regions. The seasonal temperature also changes significantly. The optimal storage limits for starch or pectin-containing raw materials are 0-5 °C. One of the modes of storage of raw materials is storage in a refrigerated state (that is, at the temperature of the raw materials and the surrounding space lowered to –10 °C). Such conditions can be created by equipping storage facilities with facilities for artificial cooling. Using analytical estimates of temperature changes during heat redistribution under the influence of controlled operational factors, we can objectively judge the rational conditions of storage of raw materials and predict storage periods.


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