Strategic aspects of economic management

The stagnation of the Russian economy, the existence of which is not disputed by specialists in the field of strategic management, is largely a consequence of the inability of the management system to respond to modern challenges and the lack of skills and abilities of managers at all levels to make effective strategic decisions. The owners and managers of enterprises note a shortage of well-trained managers of various levels, whose work content would harmoniously combine competencies in the field of economics and management and industry specifics. Today, in most cases, we are talking about "effective managers" with economic, financial or managerial training, whose goals are in the field of profitability. Industry specifics of an enterprise and technological trends often go beyond their competence. This applies to many branches of science and technology, where Russia occupied a leading position in the world, and today it is experiencing significant problems associated with overcoming the gaps in technological chains. The purpose of this study is to search for objective reasons for the inefficiency or collapse of ambitious projects in the Russian economy. The object of research is the economy of the Russian Federation. Research methods: analysis and synthesis, desk research. The research hypothesis is to assume the priority of political factors and ambitions of decision-makers in the preparation and implementation of strategic projects. The study of the authors was carried out on the example of projects implemented in various types of economic activity, which increases the objectivity of the conclusions. Based on the analysis of the main stages of preparation and implementation of a number of large strategic, including international, projects, the article concludes that in cases where such projects are associated with huge financial costs, and preference is given to political ambitions to the detriment of economic efficiency, the country bears huge material and moral costs. It concludes with a number of practical recommendations.
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- ERP-systems As a Strategic Management Tool
- Analysis of the service market and its impact on the quality management of professional training
- Strategic aspects of economic management