For example,Бобцов

Analysis of methods for calculating the thermal conductivity of new liquid hydrofluorochlorine derivatives of olefins on the saturation line


We consider various correlations to calculate thermal conductivity  of the refrigerants in the state of a saturated liquid.An analysis of these dependencies was carried out using the example of refrigerants R1234yf, R1224yd(Z), R1233zd(E), R1234ze(E), R1243zf, R1336mzz(E), R1336mzz(Z), R365mfc, and R245fa.A modified linear dependenceI forλsat = λsat(T)is proposed. Statistical characteristics for the model Iare given, in particular, the average absolute deviation is calculated AADI = 3,37%. It is shown that, taking into account the nonlinear nature of the behavior of thermal conductivity λsat = λsat(T) on temperature, modelII,makes it possible to increase the accuracy of calculations using the modelII: AAD = 2,39%. In contrast to the known correlation dependences, within the framework of the model II,in accordance with the dynamic scale theory, the passage to the limit λsat(T→Tc)~τ-χis performed in the vicinity of the critical point, where τ= (Tc – T)/Tc, Tcis the critical temperature, χ= 0,608 is the critical index. The results are discussed.


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