For example,Бобцов

Price management based on the revenue factor


The relevance of the article lies in the study of the impact of prices on the welfare of society, taking into account the affordability of a daily set of food products for the population. The process of pricing in a market economy is associated with a high level of uncertainty and rapidly changing conditions of production and consumers' ability to pay. In this case, the constant monitoring of prices for similar products and services from other producers is demanded for a timely response to their changes. The article compares the prices of goods and incomes of the population in different subjects of the Russian Federation. The process of forming the price of products and services taking into account the solvency of the population, which have regional differences, contributes to the improvement of the welfare of the population. To this end, the article provides a comparative analysis of the prices of some products in different federal districts of the Russian Federation and examines the difference in the level of income of the population. The results of the comparative analysis caused the desire to refer to the concept of "fair price" with the possibility of its application in the current economic situation. The standard of living of the population depends on the value of prices, they determine the accessibility to the objects of physical education and sports, culture, affect the quality of purchased food, received services in various spheres of public services. Given the variety of factors that form the size of the price, the authors have identified, first of all. The amount of income received. In this regard, it seems appropriate to take into account the differences in the level of income of the population in different places of residence and to ensure the consistency of prices with this factor.


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