For example,Бобцов

Optimization of conditions for submerged cultivation of the fungus Phallus Impudicus


Research objective. The optimization of the biomass accumulation of the basidiomycete Phallus impudicus under conditions of submerged cultivation. Methods. Optimization was carried out on the basis of factorial regression analysis. The values of fungal biomass concentration were used as an optimization parameter. The following factors influencing changes in the value of biomass concentration varied: cultivation time; cultivation temperature; pH value; medium aeration; stirrer rotation speed; concentrations of glucose, peptone, and yeast extract. Results. For the working volume of 1750 ml culture mediu, the following values of the factors were found: t = 144; T = 27.0-29.0 oC; pH = 5.0-5.5; Av = 1.5-1.75; V = 200-275; Gl = 15.0; Pe = 4.5; Ye = 2.5. At the indicated values of the factors, the maximum values of the biomass concentration were recorded. It was shown that under these cultivation conditions the lag phase of the specified fungus lasts up to 72 hours, and the exponential growth phase occurs in the range of 72-144 hours. The maximum rate of biomass accumulation in the culture medium increases from 1.0 to 6,0 and is in the range from 96 h to 144 h. Practical value. When industrialcultivating the fungus Ph. impudicus, it is necessary to take into account the optimal values of the factors under investigation, the duration of its lag phase, and the exponential growth phase in order to obtain the maximum values of its biomass.


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