For example,Бобцов

Cryogenics at the beginning of the XXIst century


In this article there is given a short review and an analysis of cryogenics state in Russia and in the world in the first decade of the 21st century. Here is reproduced the pulication activity of specialists in the field of cryogenic technique which shows a wide range of scientific interests and development directions of this area of science and technique. It is shown that the main development directions of cryogenic technique are cryobiology, receiving and liquefaction of industrial gases, their storage and transportation, microcryogenic technique, helium technologies, using hydrogen in the metallurgical, chemical industries and  in astronautics, receiving and using high-temperature superconductivity, etc. The comparative economic assessment of the state of domestic and world cryogenics is carried out. Here are reflected the main problems of Russian cryogenics and necessary actions for their understanding and overcoming. The strategic development directions of cryogenics in the nearest future are also listed.


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