For example,Бобцов

Specificity of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector in Russia and economic security in providing the country with food


The article shows two opposite problems of agrarian policy, depending on the degree of achievement of food security. In countries with developed agriculture the main problem is the marketing of food surplus to prevent the fall in prices and profitability.In Russian with its unsaturated requirement for food we need to support growth. Accordingly when surpluses are, a government uses subsidies in exchange for reduced crops, vouchers for the poor, the international food aid. In Russia, it’s early to move from policy stimulating the growth of production to the policy of its limitation. Elements of the strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture supporting primarily large-scale farming should be revised. Within the small-scale sector 48% of foods are produced with 4.4% of the land. We need a strategy of different types of enterprises. It should create a wide availability of land, ensure the development of infrastructure in rural area, and stimulate return migration from cities to rebuild society and individual entrepreneurship.


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