For example,Бобцов

Reflection of state regulation of innovative activity in Russia in training courses for bachelors


The article considers actual question on state regulation of innovative activity in Russia. The importance of transition to the innovation way of development of economy of our country it is difficult to overestimate. In the conditions of tough competition on the part of world leaders to the Russian government has a difficult task on modernization of existing system of management of innovation sphere, improvement of the national innovation system. The author analyzes the experience of different countries that are using specific methods of state regulation in the field of innovative activity came to a successful outcome for the overall sustainable development of the economy. As opportunities to develop in all spheres of the Russian economy not, then special attention to the implementation of the technological breakthrough is a need to focus on a few priority (which we still have potential). In the article there is a list of these areas, and how he has changed over time. Separately I want to note the tendency of reduction of budgetary financing fundamental research, which are the basis for novovvedeniya on selected priority sectors and critical technologies. Since the measures of state regulation in the innovation sphere are expressed through the state innovation policy, the author has identified areas of functioning of state bodies, measures to support the innovation process, the main approaches to implementation of scientific-technical policy in practice.


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