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Organization of problem teaching students during the development of the educational program


The basic idea of modern higher education is to prepare competent professional. He should be able to independently identify problems, gather information, analyze information, plan ways to solve problems, choose the resources and technology to constantly improve their qualification. According to the laws of psychology, pedagogy, teaching methods formation of skills by means of inclusion of students in the desired activity. Thus, for the formation of the above skills in the educational process is necessary to organize learning activities, based on the ability to identify the problem, navigate the flow of information, carry out intellectual operations, independently acquire knowledge and practice. Organize such cognitive activity allows the problem method of teaching. In problem-based emphasis on the creation of problematic situations. Problem method is known pedagogical instrument. Problem training received wide distribution in the Soviet and foreign pedagogical practice in the twenties and thirties of the last century. Today, however, need to look for modern methods and means of organizing problem situations, the actual content of the selection for such situations, taking into account students' abilities. This article clarifies the concept of a problem situation, describe the types of problem situations, methods for their design, the levels of autonomy of students, technology problem classes.


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