For example,Бобцов

Physical and chemical mechanics and psychorheology of the preventive bread "VITAMET"


The article discussesthe relation between thephysical andchemicalmechanicsof the professor P.A.Rebinder and  metareologyof  the professor M.Reyner. Shows the elementsof history and modernfoodrheology, psychorheology  flavoring, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries,shift fromlinearsimulationexperimentsto researchon modernrheometers, the use of quantitativedescriptionsof differentialequations of the theoryof viscoelasticity.The use of the symbolictechnique construction of the rheologicalmodels. The possibility ofexperimental determination ofthe various modulesof elasticity andcoefficientof dynamic viscosityin uniaxial compressioncreepstudieson the example ofpreventivebread"VITAMET."  The use of thesimulationon the PCwith the programMathcadand prospectsof sharingtheseresearchelements of the theoryof fuzzy sets.

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