For example,Бобцов

Methodology of a quantitative assessment of the cumulative financial and economic damage from the corruption


In article is formulated the problem of need of scientific justification of the methodology of an assessment of damages from corruption. There is carried out the analysis of the existing theoretical justification of law-enforcement work against corruption. The concept of "corruption" is specified taking into account an official position of the World bank. It is revealed that the image of corruption in representation of the population and in publications in mass media is almost always associated with the monetary losses of the society from corruption and moral damage which is caused to society by corrupt officials the unworthy behavior. In article there are considered the developed variable estimates of the damage from the corruption which the strongly differ among themselves. In the Russian law-enforcement practice there is no ranging of corruption crimes on their importance also, there is revealed the incommensurability of punishments by types of corruption crimes. Authors offer the possibilities of structuring this damage on the streams of the expenses and the benefits.


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