For example,Бобцов

Mechanisms for the effective functioning of the University in modern conditions


The article discusses the role of higher professional education institutions in the new challenges standing before the world community and our country now. They are associated with the global challenges, which were provoked by the computerization of all sectors of society and by the deepening of the global competition, including in the educational sphere. The globalization of the economy is also accompanied by a deepening of the ecological crisis in the planetary scale. Along with the environmental crisis which is due to population growth, Russia faced with another problem - demographic failure. This and other world problems are requires from our society of the active use of scientific and technical progress, based on environmentally friendly technologies. So now research and development must be done by Russian scientists in conditions the use of economic sanctions to Russia. For this purpose it is necessary to form their own society with people, which are able to work in a team, to set and to achieve necessary scientific and practical purposes. So we are talking about the necessity of forming during the educational process of a complex personality. Thus, Russian universities today are liable to the society for development of scientific-technical progress and for the training of highly qualified personnel in accordance with results of new scientific research and development scientists. However, before these tasks had to be solved in terms of guaranteed government funding, and now they need to learn to solve tasks in condition of the open education space and of the need for commercialization of results of scientific research. That is why Russian universities today are faced with the necessity of forming a new mechanism of efficient functioning, wich will include organizational and resource components.   The article presents a mechanism that contains the tools of marketing, of strategic planning and of budgeting, combined in a single system.


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