Radiating thermoelectric device with power recuperation

Proposed here is the way to remove heat from heat-emitting electronic components in the form of radiation by means of LED emitters. It is possible to reduce power consumption of a system by adding the device recuperating radiation back into electricity, such as a solar panel. The efficiency of the design will be further improved if solar panels are redesigned in the form of thin transparent films within a multilayer structure, separate rectangular modules are arranged as corner reflectors, and photoelectric effect is applied.
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Articles in current issue
- Simulation and a mathematical program for calculating the value of effective radiation
- The refrigerant’s future: The phase down of HFCs and its consequences
- A technique for optimization of the parameters of the cryostatted screen in a cryovacuum test bench
- Modified ozone-friendly refrigerant mixtures as substitutes for R22
- Mathematical model for the cleaning of fat-containing wastewater by ozonation at refrigerating enterprises
- A pilot study of aero- and thermodynamic processes in the apertures equipped with heated air curtains
- Results of monitoring temperature fields in the basement of the Triumph Stadium in Yakutsk
- Manufacturing dried and salt-cured fish products with various flavours from perch with the use of sauces
- Generalized correlations of the isobaric heat capacity on the saturated liquid line for freon mixtures
- Heat exchange calculation for the process of air movement in surface air coolers
- Radiating thermoelectric device with power recuperation
- Possibilities of employing cryogenic optoelectronic systems for detection of asteroids
- The problem of the accuracy of temperature measuring by means of a thermographic camera
- Optimization of operation modes in a refrigerating unit with the accumulator of natural cold using the method of thermoeconomic analysis
- Features and efficiency of applying heat pump units for heating buildings at railway hump yards
- Frictional pressure drop in a boiling refrigerant flow in pipes
- Analysing overall performance of a reciprocating expander at variable durations of admission process