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The choice of strategy of business organization and the method of its implementation


In the article the results of the study process of choosing the strategy of development of enterprise organization and evaluation of how they are implemented. Analyzed the most common path of strategic development, formulated the criteria for success of the strategy and methods of evaluating options for the development of the organization. We construct a matrix of strategic development trajectories in the coordinates of "product / market". The comparative characteristics of "trade" and "market" options for development of the organization. The possibilities of use of market chances for development that appear in the organization by updating the strengths and overcome the weaknesses, as well as minimizing the impact of threats to the environment. Showing how to ensure the strategic development of the organization in the selected path. A comparative analysis of the three methods of organization: development of internal resources, by joining (or exclusion) and co-development (alliances). Focuses on the features and opportunities of strategic alliances: the expectations of success are linked to the distribution of benefits and risks among stakeholders; strategic objective and the support of stakeholders in the strengthening of interpersonal relationships of senior management; covmectumoct partners; economic nokazateli disclosing the content of the objectives and organizational conditions of partners; trust based on competence, reputatsii, stability and predictability of partners. Work is nearing completion characteristic approach to the assessment of policy options based on the application of the criteria for success: the suitability, feasibility and acceptability of the chosen strategy.


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