For example,Бобцов

Effect of cold treatment on structural changes of muscle tissue veal


In the process of cold meat processing, including cooling and freezing with subsequent thawing possible violation of the regular structure of muscle fibers, due to their physiological function. This process may be accompanied by the rupture of relations and formation of free functional groups of the protein, lipid and carbohydrate structures. The article presents data on the change in patterns of muscle tissue breast of veal in a loop "cooling-freezing-unfreezing". The object of study selected muscle tissue of the hip part of dairy calves. Structural changes were assessed by electron spectra obtained by electron spectroscopy diffusion reflection (ESDO) in the wavelength interval λ= 200 to 700 nm. It is shown that the intensity of absorption bands at λ= 250 and 295 nm can be characterized by structural changes of chilled meat, fresh, preserved and frozen. Thus,the intensity of the absorption band at λ = 250 and 295 nm can describe the state of meat: chilled low microbial contamination (fresh) for longitudinal cutting I = 1,12 with λ = 250 nm and 1.20 at λ = 295 nm) with high mikroobsemenennostyu (initial signs of damage) for the longitudinal cut I = 0,88 at λ = 250 nm and 0.79 at λ = 295 nm and frozen for longitudinal cut I = 0,82 at λ = 250 nm and 0.71 at λ = 295 nm.


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