Reliability and security at GIS
The modern development of GIS results in coming up of fundamentally new type of problems in a form of conflicting structures of radically new type. It brings about elaboration of new requirements to its highly organized information media in a form of optimum factors of reliability offered to it as automated system, information security as informatics object.
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Articles in current issue
- Geoinfornation support system for taking decisions during construction of Olympic projects «Sochi—2014»
- То question of the creation and developments of the infrastructure to spatial given Russian Federation
- То question of the creation and developments of the infrastructure to spatial given Russian Federation
- The model el assessment of dele redaction process efficiency in geoinformatian systems
- Geoinformatik of transport
- Unified address register in the systems supporting decision making of the territorial control bodies based on the geographic information systems (GIS)
- Mathematic modeling and Identification at situations la Intelligent measuring tools
- Reliability and security at GIS
- Usage of filters with symmetrical amplitude-frequency characteristics in the conveyor frequency
- Method of estimating Ike tine parallel processing la conditions of incomplete parametric Information
- Application of software with open code for integrated systems of situation centers
- Fuzzy cause-effect relations based strategy of complex technical systems diasnosis
- CIS complex for situation centers
- Creation aid maintenance of very large three-dimensional assembly of space hardware
- Some aspects of creation and development of national system of ballistic missile defenсe
- Management model energy-efficient computing processes in onboard computing systems
- Influence of military-political blocs on security of energy supply in the region of Central Asia within the frames of the shanghai cooperation organization
- Quality, capabilities at public projects systems, efficiency and risk cl their functioning: conceptual aspects research
- Hypothesis - alternative of dark energy
- Planet of Love. Basics of united field theory