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Statistical evaluation of digital transformation in the economy of Russian regions


The digital transformation of the economy is a driver of economic growth in developed countries, measured, among other things, by such an indicator as labor productivity. The purpose of the study was to identify official statistical indicators that can be used as indicators of the processes of digital transformation of the economy in the regions of Russia. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of ICT development in the regions; the possibilities of their use as adequate indicators of the digital transformation of regional economies were evaluated; The indicators of labor productivity in the re-gions of Russia as possible indicators of regional economic development are analyzed, the impact of ICT development on the efficiency of economic activity is estimated. The analysis is based on the official statis-tics of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Devel-opment (OECD). It has been established that today Russian regions differ significantly in the level of development of information and communication infrastructure. The level of labor productivity in Russia is significantly lower than this indicator in developed countries. Statistical data confirms that only in parts of regions the labor productivity indicator slowly grows, in the rest it remains at the same level or decreases. It is revealed that the existing official statistics of ICT development in the regions of Russia cannot be fully used as indicators of the processes of digitalization of the economy. It is necessary to develop informative measures of labor productivity that take into account the processes of digitalization of the economy.


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