For example,Бобцов

Mechanisms to increase investment attractiveness the of property complex of the university and ways of their formation


Improving the efficiency of management of the property complex of state universities is considered as a priority task in the framework of improving the entire system of management of all state property. The article summarizes the main problems in the development of the material base of the universities: physical and moral deterioration, limited financial resources, the needed to meet the new requirements of energy efficiency, digitalization, improving competitiveness in global educational world b formulates the contradiction between the high innovation potential of Russian universities and their low level of investment attractiveness. The article concludes that it is necessary to form mechanisms to increase investment attractiveness the of property complex of the university. Such mechanismsare defined as: long-term lease including land, denial of rights to an objects, attraction private investment. For each mechanism of increasing the investment attractiveness of the property complex of the university identified: features of use, legislative framework, obstacles to the formation and use and ways to overcome them, the goals and risks of using mechanisms and objects for the management of which mechanisms are effective, as well as a general description of the this mechanisms according to the scheme: legislative support, information support, subjects, objects, tools. The formation and use of the proposed mechanisms will improve the efficiency jf use of state property under the management of universities, attract financial resources of investors, optimize the use budget fonds in order to improve the competitiveness of universities in the educational space.


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