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Prospects for the application of online research methods in the practice of personnel management


The article discusses the possibility of applying online research methods in the practice of personnel management. The advantages and disadvantages of online research methods are analyzed. The problems arising from the collection of information in social networks are highlighted and ways to solve them are suggested. The possibility of using "digital traces" to study the effect of incentive measures (tangible and intangible) and individual factors of the internal environment of the organization (working conditions, attitude in the team, personnel management system, etc.) on employee loyalty has been tested. For the analysis, we used data obtained by studying the feedback from former and current employees of the company located on the Internet. The paper identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the method used to obtain data. During the data analysis, four positive factors and five negative factors affecting the loyalty of the company's employees were identified and their occurrence was determined. In the course of studying the structure of respondents, categories were identified and their impact on the distribution of the occurrence of positive and negative factors was assessed. An assessment was made of the effectiveness of incentive measures and the suitability of the internal environment of the company for employees with high intellectual potential based on employee satisfaction with their constituent factors and their importance.


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