For example,Бобцов

Law’s base development as a factor of investment attraction in waste-recycling industry


The goal of research is to prove necessity oflegal framework formation of elaborate governing the recycling process in Russia on the basis of identified gaps in the existing system of legal norms regulating the sphere of circulation of recycled resources. Such a regulatory framework should be a single consistent system of definition, regulation and control of the secondary resources using; the creation of a solid legal background is a vitally important condition for the inflow of investment in the recycling industry. The object is the current Russian laws regulating the sphere of circulation of secondary resources. The subject is the norms of Russian law that form the legal field of economic relations concerning the attraction of financial resources in the sphere of circulation of secondary resources. The research is based on a systematic approach; methods such as deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, classification and systematization are used. In the research, the characteristic of the current norms of Russian law regulating the treatment of secondary resources; marked with a narrow and controversial provisions of separate legal acts that cause substitution of concepts or ambiguous; identifies the position taken from legal regulation; the necessity of development of normative-legal regulation of treatment of secondary resources to increase investment in the recycling industry. The result of the research is the development of certain provisions, which, according to the authors, need legislative consolidation for the formation, development and dissemination of traditions of the use of secondary raw materials in the Russian economy. These provisions are summarized by the authors in the enlarged directions of development of the regulatory framework governing recycling relations in order to attract investment in this area.


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