For example,Бобцов

Innovative technical solutions in the field of sludge treatment on the example of domestic and foreign resource supplying enterprises


Introduction: the article presents information about schemes, control systems for the process of processing sewage sludge formed from biological wastewater treatment. Data and Methods: The study presents the main methods used in the work with sewage sludge for the successful elimination of consequences for the environmental, economic and social aspects of urban life, various schemes of sludge processing used in domestic practice, as well as foreign experience of processing with a description of the characteristics of these methods and the definition of their positive and negative aspects. Technical solutions are presented as an innovative aspect of environmental management. Analys of Results: Process management is a key area in the implementation of environmental management. In the Russian Federation there are innovative developments in the field of sludge treatment, but they are at an early stage and there are few examples of implementation, while abroad this direction is quite developed.


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