For example,Бобцов

The methodology of generating ideas and the possibility of their application in the production processes in the national economy


The purpose of the presented work is the analysis of available methods intended for carrying out sessions on ideas-generation methods, the analysis of possibilities of application of ideas-generation methods for change of production processes in the national economy. To date, only humans have a unique ability to create innovative ideas, not a single machine with all its modern features is not capable of such a function. Just imagine that behind absolutely every successful and failed project is a person or a group of people who once generated or is now generating a new idea. At the same time, we should not forget that innovative ideas will not harm the existing enterprise, regardless of whether it is successful or requires immediate reengineering. In the presented work it would be desirable to pay more detailed attention to possible methods and ways of generation of innovative ideas at the enterprises. In the article we will answer such questions as: what methods can be used for the session on the methodology of generating ideas, and how large is the willingness of economically active part of the population of the post-Soviet countries to participate in such sessions. I would like to draw the reader's attention to the fact that the article does not offer ready-made ideas, but considers the methods and principles of idea generation. The result of the study is the justification of the implementation prospects of the program on the ideas-generating methods in industrial enterprises, justified by the presence of the majority of respondents ' proposals to change the production process, improve the functioning of the enterprise, adjust the management structure.


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