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Creating modern management decisions based on the application of Design of Experiments (DOE) methods for determining the values of optimization factors in light industry


For maintaining their competitive advantages, enterprises should be mobile, dynamically stable, and actively use modern management technologies. According to difficult external conditions modern enterprises need to act systematically, harmoniously and almost instantly, i.e. it is necessary to comprehensively solve issues based on huge amounts of data. This is not possible without the cognitive apparatus underlying the new management methods. The aim of the study is to determine the optimal values of production factors and to study the assessment of their influence in the framework of quality control of shoe products by using the Design of Experiments (DOE) method. The application of this method is one of the basic cognitive devices in the development and implementation of a new structure and methods for making managerial decisions in enterprises. The object of research is an enterprise of light industry. The following methods of mathematical analysis are used in the study: planning matrix, regression equation. The analysis of regulatory documents showed that a number of existing national standards in the field of quality control do not meet the requirements of the modern economy. As a result of the study, the most significant factors were identified that affect the level of product quality of the enterprise. As a result of the experiment, a mathematical model is constructed that takes into account all possible interactions between these factors. As a result of checking the model for adequacy and its interpretation, optimal values are determined for the studied production factors. This study was carried out as part of the research project No. 618279 "Methods and tools of innovative and entrepreneurial activity in the digital economy."


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