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Dynamics of development of student startups based on the innovative infrastructure of University


The legislative and organizational initiatives of the state are aimed at achieving not only sustainable but also groundbreaking economic growth as soon as possible. The preeminent drivers for such growth are innovations. Within this context, it is significant to understand the initial sources where innovations can be created and who can endeavor in them. Hence, this leads to the need to study innovative infrastructures. Scholarly interest in this subject matter can be observed throughout an academic environment. Scholar works have been exploring variations of the definition of the term, defining the essence of the innovative infrastructures, their shapes, and types. One of these forms is the innovative infrastructure of a higher educational institution. Today, post-secondary institutions are forming the trend for experience-oriented education not only focusing on upbringing a new generation of valuable personnel and managers but also on establishing new startups and businesses. The purpose of this study is to examine the innovation infrastructure at ITMO University and its impact on the development of students’ startups. The objective of this study is to analyze the elements of the ITMO University innovation infrastructure responsible for bringing students’ projects from the idea stage to implementation in real life. The review of scientific works of Russian and foreign researchers on the subject of research is carried out, and the author's definition of the concept of "innovative infrastructure of the university" is given. During this analysis, the main elements of ITMO's innovation infrastructure were studied; the fundamental economic, social, and educational effects of their activities were highlighted.


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