For example,Бобцов

The influence of oxidized starch on the tensile strength and elongation of gelatin film


Now an actual scientific and technical and economic task is development of biodegraded structures, for the purpose of development from them edible, not polluting environment, coverings and packing materials for food raw materials and food. It is known that polymeric coverings on the basis of the protein, received on traditional technology, don't possess satisfactory mechanical and barrier characteristics. For the purpose of their correction mainly chemical sewing agents are applied. In our work as the sewing agent the food starch which has been partially modified by oxidation – диальдегид starch (DAK) was applied. Influence of DAK on durability (explosive effort) and elasticity (stretching was investigated at a gap) the packing film executed on the basis of gelatin. It is established that entering into prototypes of studied material DAK increases their durability. Decrease in elasticity of the films modified by means of DAK is at the same time revealed.


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