Article Use of Tate equation of state for approximation of density of binary solutions R32 - R134a and R134a -R152a December 2002
Article Determination of instantaneous stresses in different sections of the straight flow valve plate September 2002
Article Mathematical bases of algorithmic presentation of the control of fish freezing process under fishery conditions September 2002
Article Heat exchange and aerodynamic resistance of single finned tubes with small pitch of finning September 2002
Article Vacuum low temperature dehydration of liquid and paste-like thermolabile materials September 2002
Article Study of thermal conductivity of ternary mixture of ozone-safe freons (R32 + R125 + R134a) in liquid and gas phases at low temperatures September 2002
Article Numerical solution of the problem on the determination of duration of freezing process of half-finished articles from dough September 2002