For example,Бобцов

Diffusion of Gases in Liquids 1.The molecular diffusion coefficients of carbon dioxide in water


The empiric equation for calculation of the carbon dioxide water diffusion factor depends on temperature is proposed. Made an analysis of the articles in Scientist-Technical literature, experience results in CO2 water diffusion factor in dissolving in different temperatures and atmospheric pressure. A simple empiric equation for calculation of the CO2 water diffusion factor in a temperature range 0 -75 C. There is a comparison of the equation for calculation of the CO2 water diffusion factor with the semi-empiric equations of the next scientists: Wilke-Chang, Sheibel, Otmer-Thaker, Sovova, Ibrakhim and Kuloor, Akgerman-Gainer. The equation is giving possibility for easy calculation of the CO2 molecular diffusion factor (in water) in technological procedures using these components


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