For example,Бобцов

Branch information and education space as factor of development of a tourist and recreational zone


The purpose of this article is to study the educational and informational aspects of the formation of tourist and recreational free economic zones, the definition of the main approaches to the problem and identify areas for future research. We believe that the existing approaches and the research of this type are too narrow and does not take into account the cultural, informational specificity of the tourist product. Often researchers are limited to examining the legal and organizational aspects of the problem, ignoring the human factor - the issues of training, creating innovative products, building an effective exchange of information between all stakeholders in tourism and recreation activities activities. The process of formation of sectoral educational spaces economically due to the effect of increasing returns, manifested in the information age, and the most appropriate form of implementation is the educational cluster. The educational and informational aspects of tourist-recreation free economic zone are analyzed. The concept of branch informational and educational environment of tourist business is described. The efficiency of cluster approach to the region tourist branch is proved. The role of monitoring in tourist-recreation free economic zone development is shown.


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