For example,Бобцов

Thermodynamic efficiency of vegetable oil production line with pre extrusion treatment of raw materials


To evaluate theenergy efficiency of the technology under investigation manufacturing line for vegetable oil production with pre extrusion treatment of raw materials was analyzed, taking into account the use of different types of energy consumed in the processes based on the properties of the material; work executed on the system; and the total amount of all forms of external energy.Exergypowerwascalculatedforeachofthedefects, aswellasexternalandinternalloss.Calculated value for the coefficient of efficiency was 11.86 %, that is 5.7 % higher than that when a prototype technology was used, that proves theenergy efficiency of technology in question. The calculation results indicate increasing thermodynamic perfection degree of the system due to the combination of seed kernelgrinding, heat treatment and oil extraction in an extruder-oil separator.


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