Educational environment of the university as a condition of future professional
The article considers the integral space of higher education as a condition of personal formation of the student as a future professional because that is the main starting point for the humanization of general education and through it - towards the humanization of society , the revival of the country. The integrity of the educational space of a technical college in the basis given by the aim of higher technical education , the totality of its meaning and purpose of their implementation. Pivotal direction of movement to establish the integrity of the educational space at the university will be aligned to the pedagogical process of high school , his whole life on the formation of the whole personality of the future professional . Feasibility of establishing a special , humanistic ideology University justifying full and general assistance to personal formation of the student as the essential meaning of higher technical education and awareness of all subjects of education inclusion of the university, including each of their own , in the historical process in the life of the country , society, solving social problems , the development of culture.
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